Body Time
How exciting it is that you found my work and finally our paths crossed.
My name is Hadas Fisher-Oren and for the past 20 years I have specialised in the field of body-mind in movement, dance therapy and somatic therapy , what today is called “embodiment “ and “conscious dance”.
In our modern culture that is all about the “mind”, we have almost forgotten our basic need of movement and nonverbal expression and the fact that presence and well-being in the body is a necessity for sustainable mental and physical health..
The process in the course is an opportunity to clean the dusty daily-functional movement off our limbs and discover a new-old world that you may know from childhood, in which the movement is a sweeping, profound and colourful experience of freedom, impulse and liberation.
In this course we do not learn dance steps and no coordination is needed, the form of the dance and how the movement looks like is less important. In this course we will learn to listen to the healing aspects of movement and dance and focus on how the movement feels, what it reveals to us and what it allows.
I invite you to join me on a journey that gives you space for expression and freedom,
time for healing and attentiveness…
Body time.
Course content -
12 online sessions - once a week
Two weekly home exercises
Supportive Whattsap Group
Weekly playlist
Price -